ZeroF’s Third Consortium Meeting: the project’s progress so far.

08 April 2024

ZeroF’s Third Consortium Meeting 1

The ZeroF project recently held its consortium meeting on March 19th and 20th, 2024, bringing together partners from across Europe to drive progress in the development of safe and sustainable coating alternatives. Hosted both physically at the LIST facilities in Luxembourg and virtually, the meeting served as a platform for fruitful discussions and collaborative efforts to drive the project forward.

Day 1: March 19th, 2024

The meeting commenced with a warm welcome from Panagiotis Isigonis from LIST, setting the tone for a day of productive deliberations. Enrico Benetto, Head of Unit at LIST, extended a gracious welcome to the ZeroF consortium, underscoring the importance of the project's objectives. Followed by Miika Nikinmaa from VTT, Coordinator of the ZeroF project, who provided a comprehensive overview of the project's status, highlighting the steady progress achieved thus far – despite some challenges, the project is progressing as planned, reflecting the dedication and hard work of the consortium.

The day proceeded with engaging presentations from different project partners, offering a comprehensive overview of progress in critical areas. Fraunhofer, LEITAT, and VTT presented findings and discussions on coating building blocks, coating formulation and application, and concept validation, respectively. Additionally, IDEA and LIST delved into computational safety and design, addressing challenges related to data reporting and exploring integration strategies for Safe-and-Sustainable-by-Design principles in coatings. Discussions across these presentations underscored the collaborative efforts and progress made within the ZeroF project.

In parallel, technical discussions unfolded, with partners deliberating on key topics within each area of focus. Fraunhofer, LEITAT, VTT, IDEA, and LIST explored various aspects such as materials testing, coating formulation optimization, and computational modeling. Detailed exchanges highlighted the complexity of developing PFAS-free coatings and the importance of interdisciplinary collaboration. Ideas were exchanged on potential solutions to address technical challenges and enhance the project's impact. Moreover, considerations were made regarding environmental sustainability and safety aspects, reflecting the project's commitment to developing coatings that meet stringent criteria. These discussions laid the groundwork for further exploration and refinement of strategies to achieve the project's objectives.

Day 2: March 20th, 2024

ZeroF’s Third Consortium Meeting 2
ZeroF’s Third Consortium Meeting 3

The second day of the consortium meeting continued with a focus on technical meetings and discussions surrounding coating formulations and processing optimization. Followed by updates from LGI on the project's progress and efforts to enhance market uptake and stakeholder acceptance of new coatings. Partners were also provided an insight into the next steps of LGI’s communication and dissemination efforts, as the project partners will participate in raising awareness on the topic of PFAS.

The meeting concluded with reflections and closing remarks from Miika Nikinmaa, encapsulating the collaborative spirit and shared commitment to advancing sustainable solutions. As participants bid farewell, they departed with renewed determination to drive positive change and contribute to the phase-out of PFAS compounds in textiles and food packaging – as the ZeroF consortium meeting served as a reminder of the importance of collaboration in research.

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